Every year Bush’s Proteins diverts from landfills over 250,000 tons of primary material such as fat, bone, animal offal, poultry offal and bone, feathers and blood.  These materials are processed at our plants to derive tallow and protein meals which are used within many industries.  The key to successful processing of the material is the amount of time between creation and processing.

The resulting products from our process include: Meat & Bone Meal, Poultry Meal, Feather Meal and Blood Meal are used in animal food production and the tallows (oils) can be used for biofuels,  soap, chemicals and as a stock feed additive.

Meals and Tallows are to be used within guidelines from governing bodies.

* Product colour may vary, images are indicative only

Protein Meals

Meat and Bone Meal – Mixed Species

Meat and Bone meal is a mixed species meal prepared from the dry rendering process of fat and bone, sourced from boning rooms, butchers and supermarkets

Poultry Meal

Meal prepared by dry rendering poultry viscera, heads, feet, frames and pieces.

Blood Meal – Mixed Species

Bloodmeal is manufactured from the blood of slaughtered beef, poultry, sheep and pigs and is a dried powder material free from wool, hair, hoof, hide, bone, manure and stomach offal.

Feather Meal

Hydrolysed feather meal produced from de-watered white feathers, pressure-cooked at a minimum of 400 kpa for minimum 15 minutes then dried and hammer milled prior to storage in covered, clean and dry compartments.


Tallow – Mixed Species

Prime Tallow is a mixed species product obtained by rendering the fresh, clean, sound, fatty tissues (including trimming and cutting fats), attendant muscles and bones of animals.

Poultry Oil

Poultry tallow is the oil expelled from the dry rendering process of poultry offal and carcase parts.